Flexible couplings for pumps
Flexible couplings for pumps .
Turbo-S EOOD is a distributor of Meccanica Couplings SRL – an Italian manufacturer of elastic couplings and couplings for pumps (carriage), standard and special versions, with high quality and excellent price. The technical specifications of elastic couplings and couplings for pumps are offered in the company’s catalog.couplings
In the Technical data section you will find the couplings recommended by us as suitable for pumps and electric motors, depending on the diameter of the shaft. These flexible couplings for pumps are reliable and easy to install. To correctly select a coupling for all applications, it is necessary to provide the following information: – type of machine – electric or diesel engine, ; – power and revolutions; – type of driven machine – pump, generator or other pump – diameter of the shaft, dimensions of the key – for the driving and driven parts of the clutch .
For pump units, recommended models are:GTB, GN, GNE connectors